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Signposting and safety on the territory

Dolomiti di Brenta Bike also means pedalling in safety with no worries: the safety of a well maintained trail eliminates any danger; no fear of losing the way thanks to indications and very clear brand new signs throughout the territory!

Big efforts have been made to guarantee safety and orientation to all those who will cycle the routes. In addition to this, precise and detailed documentation is available online and can be downloaded from this website!

Follow the indications on the signposts!

Recently, across the whole Trentino territory new rules have been adopted in order to safeguard trekkers (and bikers) by providing them with proper signage. Efforts have also been made to harmonise the existing signage to make it clear and precise. The Dolomiti di Brenta Bike project has particularly focused on the quality of the signposts on the routes by equipping them with information boards and flags indicating where the services available in the area are.

Along your route you will find:

Details of the route

Detailed info-boards and "flags" so you will never loose your way!


Signs with directions: positioned at every crossroads along the route.


Signs and authorised paths: to confirm you are on the right route and to identify those paths where you are allowed to cycle in accordance with the laws in place (pushing or carrying the bike over the shoulder is never forbidden!)

Warning and danger signage

Warning signs: placed along the route in proximity to particular points, prohibited areas, dangerous places or sections.
Cartelli di avvertimento: disposti lungo l'itinerario in presenza di punti particolari, divieti, punti o tratti pericolosi.

Warning and danger signage

Warning signs: placed along the route in proximity to particular points, prohibited areas, dangerous places or sections. Entrambi gli itinerari si sviluppano su strade che, in alcuni tratti, presentano fondo sconnesso e sono aperte al traffico. I rischi derivanti dalla percorrenza in bici di questi percorsi sono a carico dell'utente. Pertanto, nel raccomandare la massima prudenza, si declina ogni responsabilità civile e penale in caso di incidenti.

Sulle piste ciclabili e sulle strade omologate (urbane ed interurbane) vale il "Codice della strada" e relativa segnaletica.

Attualmente la segnaletica è stata disposta per la sola percorrenza in senso antiorario: la scelta di tale senso è dovuta alla più agile fruibilità dell'intero itinerario. Ciò non toglie che determinati tratti possano essere agilmente percorsi in senso opposto. 

Attached documents

© 2007-2024 Dolomiti di Brenta Bike

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