
Val di Sole, a beautiful green area of northern Trentino, wedged between the Brenta-Adamello and the Presanella-Ortles mountain groups with the peaks of Cevedale and Maddalene. Thanks to the vast Adamello-Brenta Natural Park and the historic Stelvio National Park guarantees a holiday of complete immersion in nature.

The valley offers and infinite range of nature excursions, trekking, mountain biking, nordic walking and horse riding. The famous river Noce, well known throughout the world, is an ideal place for exciting and adrenalin fueled sports such as rafting, canoeing, kayaking and hydrospeed. Furthermore, the valley offers numerous folk events, sport and cultural, artistic masterpieces, local crafts, the museum of Solandra Civilization, the museum of the White War and its forts, the delicious cusine and the modern spas of Peio and Rabbi.


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